Pardons / Record Suspensions

Do Convictions Ever Expire?

If you commit a crime in Canada, a record of that crime and any additional information about the case is usually held. This is known as a criminal conviction. When you are obtaining employment, traveling, or trying to lease a house, you may be requested to disclose this information. Having a conviction on your record

2024-03-06T20:38:24+00:00February 21st, 2023|Pardons, Pardons / Record Suspensions|

If your Charges are Dropped then do you still have a Criminal Record?

According to the Canadian government, approximately 3.8 million Canadian citizens have a criminal record. These include people who have been convicted of crimes. Though you may be surprised that it also consists of those whose charges were either dropped later or dismissed because they had such charges recorded as non-conviction information on your record. Having

2024-03-06T20:38:24+00:00February 20th, 2023|Pardons, Pardons / Record Suspensions|


Anyone who commits a crime in Canada will be charged. For more severe offenses, an indictable offense will be incurred, and for minor offenses, a summary offense will occur. These consequences vary in every instance based on the offense that's been committed. What's the effect of committing one of these offenses before you were 18?

2024-03-06T20:38:25+00:00December 19th, 2022|Pardons, Pardons / Record Suspensions|

Parole Conditions in Canada: Reasons Why You Can’t Be Pardoned by the Parole Board of Canada

  Whether it’s the inability to hold down a job or the improbability of traveling abroad, there are various ways a Canadian criminal record can hamper your quality of living. We'll see Parole Conditions in Canada. Regardless of whether or not you were convicted of an offence, being charged and detained alone by

2024-03-06T20:38:25+00:00November 7th, 2019|Pardons / Record Suspensions|

Criminal Record Consequences on Jobs & How To Overcome them?

Having been previously convicted of a crime has long-lasting effects even after the sentence has been served. For job hunting, in particular, being reminded of a criminal past during an interview with a respective employer can easily prove to be a traumatic experience. We'll see the Consequences Of A Criminal Record On Your Future. Effects

2024-03-06T20:38:25+00:00October 31st, 2019|Pardons / Record Suspensions|

Impaired Driving: Consequences, Fees and How To Get Pardon In Canada?

Canada’s impaired driving baseline is at 80 milligrams of alcohol for every 100 millilitres of your blood. Those figures correspond to two to three drinks for females and three to four in males. Because of this, it doesn’t take much to raise your alcohol level beyond the legal restriction. While it may look like a

2024-03-05T15:53:18+00:00October 17th, 2019|Pardons, Pardons / Record Suspensions|

Record Suspension vs Pardon, Why ‘Pardon’ is changed into ‘Record Suspension’ in Canada?

Record Suspension vs Pardon in Canada Officially, a "pardon" is when a government seals a police record away if an individual has served a sentence with no incidents and becomes a conviction-free, law-abiding citizen. In other words, a reformed person can get a pardon to escape from the "stains" of their past. Unfortunately, once a

2024-03-05T15:45:08+00:00October 2nd, 2019|Pardons / Record Suspensions|

Pardon/ Record Suspension: Meaning, Advantages, Everything You Need To Know

Although a right to live a happy life is free for every human being in the world, things can take a fairly dramatic turn once a criminal conviction is given. While principle dictates that criminal convictions are apt for those who have broken laws, the implications that follow long after the sentencing and time served

2024-03-04T20:20:18+00:00September 24th, 2019|Pardons / Record Suspensions|

Impaired/ Drunk Driving Criminal Record Suspension/ Pardon, Charges in Canada

Although Impaired Driving/ Drunk Driving may seem like a minor league violation at first glance, the truth about being charged with impaired driving is that the implications can be quite heavy. Contrary to popular belief, getting an impaired driving charge is actually far more serious and can lead to severe consequences. However, in spite of

2024-03-05T18:54:15+00:00September 18th, 2019|Pardons / Record Suspensions|
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