Last year was definitely memorable for Canadians, as the Cannabis Act turned the dreams of many cannabis connoisseurs into a reality. In 2018, the consumption and use of cannabis for personal and medical purposes were made legal.

The Cannabis Act was passed by the Canadian parliament to prevent the country’s youth from developing premature cannabis habits. It was also geared towards reducing any organized or drug-related crimes by strictly regulating the access to and availability of marijuana, hemp, and other forms of the “happy bud,” as some people call it.
However, while most people have been waiting for cannabis legalization for such a long time, a few complications have arisen as a result of the Cannabis Act. These complications have to do with entry issues when Canadians cross over to the U.S. To fully understand the impact of the Cannabis Act on Canadian border entry, let’s look at why there are complications in the first place:
U.S. Marijuana Law Is Different
One obvious difference between U.S law and Canadian law is that one country permits the use of cannabis while the other doesn’t. But if you look at it from a general perspective, it’s easy to understand just how complex U.S law is with marijuana as compared to Canada. In spite of the fact that marijuana is legal in several states in America, U.S. federal law still deems the use and possession of cannabis as illegal (unless you’re in a pot-friendly state). When travelling to the U.S as a cannabis user, you might face some serious repercussions, such as being barred from the country and labelled a “drug abuser” if you decide to disclose to Customs and Border Protection agent that you’ve used marijuana in any shape, way, or form.
In terms of technicality, American criteria for ]determining “drug abusers” is strict. U.S. law classifies anyone that has used marijuana within the past year as an abuser right away, no questions asked. However, if you can’t give up cannabis and still want to go back to the U.S regularly, then you’ll have to enlist the help of immigration specialists to get a waiver of excludability.
How Does a U.S. Entry Waiver work?
A U.S. Entry Waiver is a document issued by the U.S. Customs and Border Control that exempts you from being detained, denied, or arrested at any border crossing (whether it’s by land, air, or sea) for certain purposes for a certain amount of time. In this case, it’s because of your marijuana use. The application process for a U.S. waiver can take quite a bit of time, so it’s best to plan accordingly before you even get a ticket to cross the border.
With a U.S. waiver, you’ll be able to cross the border and use cannabis without having to worry about any legal repercussions. A waiver can even save you if you decide to make multiple trips because it lasts for a certain amount of time. If you’ve been looking for a hassle-free alternative, then you may want to consult with immigration because that can make a huge difference in your case.
We specialise in pardon applications in Canada, get in touch today to see how we can help!