You may have a shady past, but once you have served your sentence, you deserve a chance to start anew. Through a Pardon or Record Suspension, Canada allows you to go back to the community with your criminal records permanently sealed from public visibility. However, applying for a pardon comes with a cost. Understanding the costs gives you an idea of what to expect during the application process, as well as where you can save money on pardon application in Canada.

How Much Does a Canadian Pardon Cost?
The cost of a pardon application varies depending on several factors, but you should not be spending thousands of dollars. That being said, if you’ve moved around and lived in several places in the past, you can expect to pay more because it means more court and police records to check. Aside from that, the following are three reasons why your pardon application could be especially costly:
1. Criminal lawyer retention
Retaining the lawyer who represented you in the past to process your pardon application is a costly move. They are three to four times more expensive than your regular pardon service, and they may not be even a pardon application specialist. What usually happens is that they will turn to a pardon application service on your behalf and then charge you a premium. To save money on marked-up costs and legal counsel fees, go directly to a pardon application service.
2. Inefficient paperwork collection
There could be a considerable amount of paperwork to do depending on the nature of your crime and where you were charged. When you do the legwork personally, it may be inefficient and therefore increases your expenses. You need to ensure that applications are correctly filled-in and there are no missing documents. Otherwise, your pardon application will be denied and the fees will not be refunded. When you seek the help of a pardon application service provider, you are assured that all the work is done for you properly and efficiently.
3. Unaccredited pardon service
When you pick a pardon service provider, make sure that it is accredited with an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. In some cases, applicants lose money because they fall victim to unaccredited pardon service who take advantage of them. Check the provider’s proven track record of completed pardon applications before you sign up for their service.
How To Save Pardon Cost?
Retaining a lawyer or a pardon application service provider is not a requirement to apply for a pardon. If you have the proper knowledge and are comfortable with legal processes, you can apply for a pardon on your own. That means you don’t have to pay other people to apply on your behalf. On the one hand, attempting the application process on your own has risks, and you may end up paying more.
Using a pardon service can mitigate the risks and save money on pardon. Canadian Pardon Services helps you obtain a Canadian pardon efficiently. We give you a free assessment of your situation and then carry out the required steps to get a pardon for you.
We specialise in pardon applications in Canada, get in touch today to see how we can help!