Pardons / Record Suspensions

Canadian Permanent Residency Requirements

Overview To travel back to Canada as a non-citizen, you need the right documentation or risk being denied entry. In fact, you may not be able to board a flight, train, bus, or boat to Canada without certain a permanent resident (PR) card or permanent resident travel document (PRTD). If you have the right documents,

Canadian Residency Card Renewal: Everything You Need to Know in 2025

Overview: Renewal of Permanent Residency Canada  In Canada, permanent residents are usually citizens (of other countries like foreign students, and foreign workers) who are permanently residing in Canada, meaning they have legally obtained permanent resident status. Permanent residents could also be stateless persons, including refugees. Every permanent resident is issued with a permanent resident card

I Was Denied Entry to US from Canada, Now What?

Overview: Stricter US Immigration Policies in 2025 Gaining entry into the US is getting tougher, especially for individuals with a criminal past. 2025 has seen stricter immigration policies by the Trump administration. A valid passport and visa isn’t enough if you have a record. If you have been denied entry to the US from Canada

US Entry Waiver Renewal

Overview If you have a criminal record that is yet to be pardoned or expunged but you need to travel to the US for whatever reason (work, leisure, etc.), you need a US Entry Waiver. If you don't have one, you risk being detained or denied entry by U.S. Customs and Border Protection at the

Understanding Background Checks for Permanent Residence in Canada: What You Need to Know

Overview: Background Check for Permanent Residence in Canada A permanent resident in Canada is a person who is permanently living and working in the country. Permanent residents enjoy a variety of benefits from the right to live, work, and study in Canada, to access to social benefits, protection under the law, the right to sponsor

Can I Get a Permanent US Entry Waiver?

So, Can I Get a Permanent US Entry Waiver? No! US Entry Waivers aren’t valid forever. Generally, your waiver will be valid for 1 to 5 years and must be renewed after expiry. A US Entry waiver offers you legal entry into the US without risk of detention or arrest at the border port of

How To Erase Your Criminal Record In Canada

If you have been charged with a crime in the past but you weren't convicted, you can apply for a record destruction (or expungement) which ensures all criminal records of your charge are erased. You can also seek record destruction if you have already secured a pardon (record suspension). Pardons simply mean that the record

How Long Does It Take to Get A US Waiver?

Overview: US Entry Waiver If you have a criminal record that is yet to be expunged or pardoned and you need to travel to the US for work, leisure, etc., you need a special document known as a US Entry Waiver otherwise you risk being denied entry and/or detained at your border port of entry.

Does the US Border Check Criminal Records When Entering the Country?

Overview: Will My Criminal Record Be Checked When Entering The US? YES! The DHS (Department of Homeland Security) is the primary agency charged with the responsibility of checking the criminal records of persons entering the US. Specifically, the CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection) department of the DHS is the body tasked with screening all

Can You Travel to Spain with a Criminal Record?

Spain is one of the most popular travel destinations in Europe, offering stunning landscapes, rich culture, and a vibrant history. However, for those with a criminal record, the question of whether they can travel to Spain can create uncertainty. At Canadian Pardon Applications, we specialize in helping individuals with criminal records navigate international travel requirements.

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